Peaceful ProPal Protest in Rome
On 12th October 2024 people gathered once again in Rome to show support to the Palestinian and Lebanese population, and demanding the Italian government to stop sending weapons and justifying Israel’s genocidal attacks. The demonstration was conducted peacefully by both demonstrators and police.
Clashes in Rome for ProPal Protest
5th October 2024, Rome (Italy). The ProPalestine protest, previously banned and then partially re-authorised, erupted in clashes between police and some demonstrators. The protest gathered about 7000 people, many other tried to reach the city from all over the country, but police forces were deployed on highways and trains with the specific order to stop…
Pro-Palestine march at Embassy of Israel to the United States of America
On 2nd March 2024 hundreds gathered to the Embassy of Israel at Washington DC to protest against genocide. The march then proceeded to the house of the Israeli ambassador.
Police Violence in Pro-Palestine Demos in Italy
For the last fifteen years, people had forgotten to prepare for clashes when going to demonstrations. Yet, for some months now, police have started charging demonstrators again. According to Osservatorio Repressione, which collects all cases of physical, economic, or psychological political repression in Italy, the first case of police using batons at a protest in…
Protest to Expel the Israeli Ambassador from Ireland
On 15th November the Irish parliament voted on expelling the Israeli ambassador from the country, to show further support for the Palestinian community and at the same time protest against the nations that are not cooperating for ceasefire. The motion did not pass and the ambassador was not expelled.
Millions Take to the Streets in Unprecedented Show of Support for Palestine
On October 7th, the world witnessed the most aggressive response Hamas has had toward Israel. Hamas, fired around 5,000 rockets into Israeli territory, overloading their anti-missile system in a never-before-seen offensive many Israelis refer to as “their 9/11”. Israel’s response was equally unprecedented: a reinforcement of the naval blockade that had dramatically impacted the lives…
Rally to the US Embassy in Ireland for Ceasafire in Gaza
On October 28th, 2023, Dublin hosted a peaceful demonstration in support of Palestine. Participants asked Palestinian liberation, ceasafire on Gaza Stripe, and the expulsion of the Israeli ambassador in Ireland.
Unauthorised Demonstration in Paris for Ceasefire in the Gaza Strip
Paris, 14th October 2023. France is one of the few countries in the world which banned pro-Palestine protests, but people met anyway to express their support and call for a ceasfire and respect of human rights in Gaza. French Gendarmerie proceded to stop, identify and in some cases arrest the peaceful demonstrators.
Peaceful Protest against French Government
On 13th October 2023 strikes and demonstrations took place across France. Demonstrators gathered to protest against austerity policies, for higher wages and for equality between men and women. Many protested in support of the Palestinian population, leaning on an authorised demonstration after French government banned demonstrations in support of Palestine.